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Syllabus In English Medium

Course Structure Of Sociology


Module                                                           Marks                                     Study hours


1. Sociology: Basic concepts 30 70
2. Social Institutions and Social 12 35
3. Social Change Socialization and 13 35
  Social Control    
4. Indian Society 30 60
5. Optional (Any One) 15 40
  Status of Women Or Culture    
Total 100 240




Sociology – Basic Concepts

1.                An Introduction of Sociology

2.                Emergence and Development of sociology

3.                Sociology: Its Relationships with other social Sciences

4.                Methods and Techniques of Research in Sociology

5.                Society, Community, Association and Institution

6.                Social Groups

7.                Social Structure and Social System

8.                Norms and Values

9.                Status and Role

10.             Cooperation, Competition and Conflict

11.             Acculturation, Askimilation & Integration

Social Institutions And Social Stratification

1.                Marriage

2.                Family

3.                Kinship

4.                Economy, Polity and Religion

5.                Social Stratification: Hierarchy, Differentiation and Inequality

Social Change, Socialization And Social Control

1.                Factors of Social change

2.                Processes of Social Change

3.                Socialization

4.                Social Control

5.                Social Deviance

6.                Society and Our Environment

Indian Society

1.                Indian Social Thinkers

2.                Unity and Diversity

3.                National Integration: concept and Challenge

4.                India Society: Tribal, Rural and Urban

5.                Caste System in India

6.                Major Religious communities in India

7.                Major Social Problems of India

8.                Problems of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

9.                Problems of other Deprived Sections

Optional Modules (Please Select Any One Of The Following Optional Modules)

Optional Module-1 Status Of Women

32A. Historical and Cultural Perspective

33A. Gender Discrimination

34A. Problem of Women

35A. Quest for Equality and Women’s Empowerment

Optional Module-2 Culture

32B. Culture: Concept and Characteristics

33B. Indian Cultural Heritage

34B. Cultural Pluralism

35B. Media and Culture

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