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Sr. Secondary Course (Syllabus)

Computer Science (330)

Lesson 1

Anatomy of a Digital Computer

1.1       Introduction

1.2      Objectives

1.3      Functions and Components of a Computer

1.3.1   How the CPU and Memory work

1.4      Input devices

1.4.1   Keyboard

1.4.2   Magnetic Ink character Recognition (MICR)

1.4.3   Optical mark recognition (OMR)

1.4.4   Bar Code Reader

1.4.5   Digitigng Tablet

1.4.6   Scanners

1.4.7   Mouse

1.4.8   Light Pen

1.4.9   Speech input devices

1.5  Memory Unit

1.5.1  Capacity of Primary Memory

1.6  Secondary Storage

1.6.1   Magnetic Tape

1.6.2   Magnetic Disk

1.6.3   Floppy Disk

1.6.4   Optical Disk

1.7  Output Device

1.7.1  Display Screen

1.7.2    Printer

1.7.3  Plotter

1.7.4  Sound Cards & Speaker

1.7.5  3 D – Audio

1.8         What do you have learnt

1.9         Terminal Questions

1.10     Feedback to In –Text Question

Lesson – 2

Data Processing Concept

2.1         Introduction.

2.2         Objectives

2.3         Data

2.4         Processing

2.5         Information

2.6         Data Processing Activities

2.7         The Data Processing Cycle

2.8         Computer Processing Operation

2.9         Data Processing Systems

2.10     Data Organisation

2.11     Variable and Fixed Length Records

2.12     Logical Versus Physical Records

2.13     What you have learnt

2.14     Terminal Questions

2.15     Feedback to In- Text Question

Lesson – 3

Computer Software

3.1         Introduction.

3.2         Objectives

3.3         Computer Language

3.4         Type of High –Level Language

3.5         Compilers and Interpreters

3.6         What is Software

3.7         Type of software

3.7.1   System software

3.7.2   Application Software

3.8         What do you have learn

3.9         Terminal Questions

3.10     Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 4

Operating System

4.1         Introduction.

4.2         Objectives

4.3         Main features of Windows 98

4.3.1        Using the Mouse

4.4         The Symbol for Menu Commands

4.4.1        Desktop

4.4.2        Desktop Icon

4.5         Start Button and Taskbar

4.5.1        Programs Submenu

4.5.2        Favorites Submenu

4.5.3        Documents Submenu

4.5.4        Setting

4.5.5        Find

4.5.6        Help

4.5.7        Run

4.5.8        Shut Down

4.6         Window Explorer

4.7          Managing Files, Folders and Windows

4.7.1        Shortcuts

4.7.2        Windows Most Common

4.8           Sharing Folders and Printers

4.9           MS-DOS – Based Program

4.10         What You Have Learn

4.11         Terminal Question

4.12         Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 5

Data Communication and Networking

1.1              Introduction

1.2              Objectives

1.3              Data Communication

1.4              Communication Protocol

1.5              Data Transmission Modes

1.6              Types of Communication Services

1.7              Communication Media

1.8              Computer Network

1.9              Types of Networks

1.10          Network Protocols

1.11          Network Architecture

1.12          Important terms used in Networking

1.13          What you have learn

1.14          Terminal Question

1.15          Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 6

Fundamentals of Internet and Java Programming

6.1              Introduction

6.2              Objects

6.3              Internet – The History

6.4               Services of Internet – E-mail, FTP, Internet, WWW.

6.5              World Wide Web (WWW)

6.6              Java and C++

6.7              Characteristic of Java

6.8              How to Java ignores after Java

6.9              Software Business after Java3

6.10          Java and the Internet

6.11          What you have learnt

6.12          Terminal Questions

6.13          Feedback

Lesson – 7

Introduction to C++

1.1              Introduction

1.2              Objectives

1.3              C++ Character Set

1.4              Basic Data Types

1.4.1       Integer Type (int)

1.4.2       Floating Point type (float)

1.4.3       Character Type (char)

1.5              Tokens

1.5.1        Keyword

1.5.2        Identifiers

1.5.3        Literals

1.5.4        Punctuators

1.5.5        Operators

1.6              The Size of operator

1.7              The order of Precedence

1.8              Type conversion

1.9              Constants

1.10          Variables

1.11          Input/output (I/O)

1.12          Structure of C++ Program

1.13          What you have learnt

1.14          Terminal Question

1.15          Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 8

General Concept of OOP

8.1              Introduction

8.2              Objectives

8.3              Object – Oriented Programming

8.4              Basic Concepts

8.4.1      Objects

8.4.2      Classes

8.4.3      Data Abstraction

8.4.4      Data Encapsulation

8.4.5      Modularity

8.4.6      Inheritance

8.4.7      Polymorphism

8.5              Benefits of OOP

8.6               Programming Applications of OPP

8.7              What you have learnt

8.8              Terminal Questions

8.9              Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 9

Control Statements

9.1              Introduction

9.2              Objectives

9.3              Statements

9.4              Compound Statement

9.5              Null Statement

9.6              Conditional Statement

9.7              Loop Construct

9.8              Jump Statements

9.9              Exit (  ) function

9.10          What you have learnt

9.11          Terminal Question

9.12          Feedback to In-text Question

Lesson – 10


1.1              Introduction

1.2              Objectives

1.3              # Include Directive

1.4              Library Function

1.5      User defined C++ function

1.5.1        Function Prototype

1.5.2        Arguments to a function

1.5.3        Return type of a function

1.5.4        Global and local variables

1.5.5        Calling of function

1.6              Inline function

1.7              Function with default arguments

1.8              What you have learnt

1.9              Terminal questions

1.10          Feedback to In-text Question

Lesson – 11


11.1          Introduction

11.2          Objectives

11.3          Initializations of one dimensional Array

11.4          Initialization of String

11.5          Processing an Array

11.6          Two dimensional Array

11.7          Terminal question

11.8          Feedback to In-Text question

Lesson 12

Structure, Type def & Enumerated Data Type

12.1          Introduction

12.2          Objective

12.3          Structure

12.4          Variable of the Structure

12.5          Accessing of data members

12.6          Structure variable in assignment statements

12.7          Structure within structure

12.8          Accessing nested structure members

12.9          Initializing nested structure

12.10      Typedef

12.11      Enumerated Data Type

12.12      What you have learnt

12.13      Terminal questions

12.14      Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 13

Classes & Objects with Constructors / Destructors

13.1          Introduction

13.2          Objective

13.3          Structure

13.4          Class

13.4.1   Creating objects

13.4.2   Accessing class member

13.4.3   Member function

13.4.4     Nesting of member function

13.4.5     Memory allocation for objects

13.4.6   Array of object

13.5          Constructor

13.5.1   Default constructor

13.5.2   Parameterized constructors

13.5.3   Copy constructor

13.6          Constructor with default arguments

13.7          Destructor

13.8          What you have learnt

13.9          Terminal Question

13.10      Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 14

Inheritance Extending Classes

15.1          Introduction

14.2          Objectives

14.3          Need for Inheritance

14.4          Different forms of inheritance

14.5          Defining derived class

14.6           Multiple inheritance

14.7           Visibility modes

14.8           Absent class

14.9           Virtual base class

14.10       What you have learnt

14.11       Terminal Questions

14.12       Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson – 15


15.1          Introduction

15.2           Objectives

15.3           Pointer

15.3.1   Pointer to Array

15.3.2   Pointer to string constant

15.3.3   Pointer to structure

15.3.4   Pointer to objects

15.4           This pointer

15.5           What you have learnt

15.6           Terminal Question

15.7           Feedback to In-Text Question

Lesson 16


1.1              Introduction

1.2              Objectives

1.3              File

1.3.1       Opening a file

1.3.2       Open (  ) function

1.3.3       File pointers

1.3.4         The tellg (  ) and tellp (  ) function

1.3.5       Write (  ) and read (  ) functions

1.3.6       Close (  ) function

1.4              What you have learnt

1.5              Terminal Questions

1.6              Feedback to In-Text Question

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