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Success of a 12th Failed Boy who passed 12th in 3 months from NIOS Board – Stream 2 in the same year
(Based on a REAL STORY)

Success Story of a 11th Failed Girl who got admission directly in 12th in the same year from Stream 1 of NIOS Board
(Based on a REAL STORY)

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  • Curriculum Data Entry Sahaj Institute
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  • NIOS Syllabus of Data Entry

English (302) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

One of the primary benefits of learning English is that it is often considered the language of global business. The international business community often uses it for communication, even among people who do not speak the same native language. Speaking and understanding English can let a person more easily communicate with others and find more job opportunities not only in his or her home country, but around the world as well. Sahaj Institute has a trained English staff for educating students English course as per NIOS guidelines.

Mathematics (311) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Mathematics has a big influence on our everyday lives, and contributes to the wealth of the country. Mathematics is about pattern and structure; it is about logical analysis, deduction, calculation within these patterns and structures.  People like its challenge, its clarity, and the fact that you know when you are right. The solution of a problem has an excitement and a satisfaction. You will find all these aspects once you Study in Sahaj Institute.

Physics (312) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The importance of physics to society today is most easily represented by our reliance on technology. Many of the technologies that that are continually transforming the world we live in can be directly traced back to important physics research. There are countless more examples of research in physics leading to the development of important technologies. The study of physics in schools and universities is undoubtedly relevant to society today. However an individual deciding whether to study physics in senior school has to decide whether physics is relevant to them.

Chemistry (313) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Chemistry has a reputation for being a complicated and boring science, but for the most part, that reputation is undeserved. Chemistry is the study of matter and its interactions with other matter and energy. Chemistry courses can benefit just about everyone. Most people who learn the basics of chemistry will be able to identify which combinations of chemicals, including those around their own house, are dangerous, and which ones can safely be combined.

Biology (314) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The word biology is derived from the Greek words /bios/ meaning /life/ and /logos/ meaning /study/ and is defined as the science of life and living organisms. An organism is a living entity consisting of one cell e.g. bacteria, or several cells e.g. animals, plants and fungicide is incredibly varied, yet based on common processes. Biologists – and students studying biology – seek evidence to explain the nature of living things, and to understand where and how life is evolving.

History (315) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

History is a systematic record of the actual events that took place in the past among a community or nation, sequenced according to the period of such events with the characters and causes that were instrumental of those events in the process of its past social activities, and a measure of quality – of the religious, cultural, and economic life. History creates value our life. We make better decisions at knowing what all have done it the past. From bad to good, we live in a better life knowing history. History is nice to read about since everything deals with it like languages, art, or sports. I do not think we should keep history as a subject because it makes us.

Geography (316) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The word “geography” means Earth-description. The subject has its roots in Ancient Greece and was established as a modern academic discipline in the mid-1800s. The subject was then divided into and Earth science, Physical Geography, and a social science, Human Geography. There is now a shared ambition to once again see geography as a whole, in order to understand how humans shape and use the landscape.

Political Science (317) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Political science is the study of governments, public policies and political processes, systems, and political behavior.  Political science subfields include political theory, political philosophy, political ideology,  political economy, policy studies and analysis, comparative politics, international relations, and a host of related fields. Well, we soon learned that political science is not about the real world but only about those features of the world that can be studied by methods deemed to be scientific.

Economics (318) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Economics is a science that deals with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of various goods and services within a particular country. Economics is at the heart of many issues and problems facing the world today, from poverty and unemployment to inflation, the challenge of sustaining economic growth and the interplay of government, business and financial institutions. Because of these important aspects Economics plays a very crucial role in the education structure of NIOS Board in Sahaj Institute.

Commerce (319) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The study of commerce focuses on understanding the economic environment and on managing different types of business activity within that environment. An understanding of business concepts and theories will be valuable for any career path you may pursue. Breadth studies in commerce cover different disciplines offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics. Due to growing popularity of Commerce stream, it becomes important to know what subjects are generally studied in various Commerce based courses. All over the world, these subjects are taught by different names.

Accountancy (320) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The study of commerce focuses on understanding the economic environment and on managing different types of business activity within that environment. An understanding of business concepts and theories will be valuable for any career path you may pursue. Breadth studies in commerce cover different disciplines offered by the Faculty of Business and Economics. Due to growing popularity of Commerce stream, it becomes important to know what subjects are generally studied in various Commerce based courses. All over the world, these subjects are taught by different names.

Home Science (321) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Home Science is a unique discipline with a blend of science and art. It is a scientific course of study which molds a student with a variety of life skills. This is a recognized professional course and requires its students to have a intellectual and logical mind. Sahaj Institute offers Home Science with Computer Applications and Training Programmed making the students full-fledged for further studies into admission in other colleges after passing from NIOS Board.

Psychology (328) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

This course offers students an engaging introduction to the essential topics in psychology. The importance of methods and principles of research design is emphasized throughout psychology course and presented in a way that will enrich your study of individuals as thinking, feeling, and social beings. All of the learning activities feed data to a Learning Dashboard which the Sahaj Institute instructor can use to analyze information regarding students’ mastery of the subject matter in terms of the learning capability.

Computer Science (330) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Computer Science is the study of computers and the work they do. We need a science of computers because, unlike other machines, computers are general purpose; the same machine can perform many different tasks and the same tasks can be done equally well by different computers. The programmed uses electronic devices, such as computer software and networks to store, process, transmit, retrieve and manipulate information. It has a flexible course structure, where students can choose to study a range of Next-Generation Technology.

Sociology (331) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Sociology is the scientific study of society: its composition, organization, culture, and development. Sociology combines scientific methods with humanistic perspectives and integrates the findings of economics, political science, psychology, and history. Sociologists stress the importance of systematically gathering and analyzing evidence about social life to enrich our understanding of the social processes that drive society and impact on everyday life. Sociology’s broad scope and a strong perspective on our world make it a highly popular subject with NIOS students.

Painting (332) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Painting course is designed to give expression to one’s visual thoughts on a canvas. To develop one’s drawing skills, one will go through various exercises aimed at improving their skills to represent nature’s designs on paper. This course in Sahaj Institute introduces students to a wide range of materials, techniques, and concepts involving traditional painting. This will help students in bringing out the creative self in the person.

Mass Communication (335) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The world has witnessed a phenomenal and unprecedented explosion in communication technology and media. Mass Communication is not limited to journalism alone. To a great extent mass media is a modern reality which covers all aspects of human life. A professional course in mass communication opens doors for a career in films & TV, publishing, public relations, journalism, editing, direction, filmmaking, scriptwriting, production, etc.

Data Entry Operations (336) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the environment, incorporating its structure and functioning, and human interactions with the environment. You will develop important scientific tools and understand how scientists operate in broader social and political arenas. As this suggests, environmental science is a huge subject, and one of immediate relevance to many of modern society’s most pressing challenges.

Environmental Science For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the environment, incorporating its structure and functioning, and human interactions with the environment. You will develop important scientific tools and understand how scientists operate in broader social and political arenas. As this suggests, environmental science is a huge subject, and one of immediate relevance to many of modern society’s most pressing challenges.

Hindi (301) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has been taking steps for progressive use of Hindi (as the official language) in order to improve the provisions of the official language as per guidelines issued from the Government of India. Sahaj Institute also understands the importance of Hindi as a National Language.

Urdu (306) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

Language is vital not only to communicate thoughts and ideas but it also develops information, friendship, cultural ties and economic relationship. As for Urdu is concerned, it is a most popular language spoken by millions of people across the world Urdu language has a rich history of hundreds of years back. Urdu is written from right to left just like Arabic and Persian. Urdu has 39 basic letters and 13 extra characters, all together 52 and most of these letters are from Arabic and a small quantity form Persian. It has almost all the sounds available in any other language spoken in the world.

Sanskrit (309) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)

There are many benefits of learning Sanskrit, the powerful language of love, wisdom, knowledge and joy.  It is not a difficult language to learn when you have a good teacher, and well crafted study materials that are easy to follow and engaging. Sahaj Institute makes Sanskrit classes very easy and interesting to understand. If the teacher does not know how to teach and/or the pupil does not know how to learn, of course Sanskrit will be very difficult to learn. However, the teacher is lastly responsible for this. He should teach his pupils how to learn Sanskrit.

For any help related to admission in NIOS please contact Sahaj Institute on our Mobile No. 9825805820, 8200311128.