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Success of a 12th Failed Boy who passed 12th in 3 months from NIOS Board – Stream 2 in the same year
(Based on a REAL STORY)

Success Story of a 11th Failed Girl who got admission directly in 12th in the same year from Stream 1 of NIOS Board
(Based on a REAL STORY)

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      Module   Name of the Lesson Page No.    
    I. Introduction to Mass 1.  Introduction to communication 1    
          2.  Mass Communication 21    
          3.  Role and impact of mass media 33    
          4.  Development communication 40    
    II. Print Media   5.  Introduction to print media 48    
          6.  What is news? 68    
          7.  Reporting and editing 80    
          8.  Language press in India 104    
    III. Radio   9.  Characteristics of radio 116    
          10.  The radio station 126    
          11.  Formats of radio programmes 136    
          12.  Radio programme production 147    
    Appendix – A  Mass Communication Curriculum      
    Appendix – B Feedback form          


      Module   Name of the Lesson Page No.    
    IV. Television   13.  Television in India 1    
          14.  Role of television as a mass medium 17    
          15.  Television channels 36    
          16.  Television program production 47    
    V.   Advertising and Public Relations 17.  Advertising – an introduction 64    
          18.  Advertising- an industry 79    
          19.  Public relations – an introduction 91    
          20.  Public relations – tools 105    
    VI New Media   21.  Characteristics of new media 118    
          22.  New media: the industry 130    
          23.  New media: target audience 137    
          24.  New media: employment opportunities 144    
    Appendix – A Feedback form          


    Module   Name of the Lesson Page No.    
    VIIATraditional Media 25.  Introduction to traditional media 1    
        26.  Types of traditional media 9    
        27.  Comparison of traditional media  23    
           with electronic media      
        28.  Communication through traditional media 32    
    VIIB Photojournalism 25.  Introduction to photography 41    
        26.  The camera 49    
        27.  Photojournalism 56    
        28.  Role of a photojournalist 65    
    Appendix – A Sample Question Paper        
    Appendix – B Feedback form          

Note :


You have to select any one of the Optional Modules VIIA or VIIB. Both the modules carry equal marks and are of the same difficulty level.


Sr.No. Module No. Practical Activity Page No.
1. 1  Construction of a simple and clear message 1
 2  1  Observation of non verbal communication in  2
     the print media  
 3  2  Cultivating the habit of newspaper reading and  3
     analyzing a newspaper  
 4  2  Preparation to conduct an interview  8
 5  3  Differentiation between the spoken word used in  11
     radio and the written word used in print media  
 6  3  Identification of different formats of radio  13
 7  4  Differentiation between television and print as two  14
     different mediums of mass communication  
 8  4  Categorization of television channels  17
 9  5  Identification of different forms of advertisements  21
     in the print media  
 10  5  Observation of activities involved in product  23
     public relations  
 11  6  Accessing facilities available on  25
     the internet  
 12  6  Opening an e-mail account  27
 13  7A  Communicating effectively through traditional  29
 14  7A  Identifying a traditional media form and its  31
     function in society  
 15  7B  Making a photograph  33
 16  7B  Preparing a photofeature  35

For any help related to admission in NIOS please contact Sahaj Institute on our Mobile No. 9825805820, 8200311128.